Just Some Random Thoughts
Under the Madison Avenue is devoid of ideas file: there are, at present, three commercials with Louis Armstrong's It's a Wonderful Life tune. This among the other past commercials that used the same song in the past 10 or 15 years. A song I once liked is now one that makes me wretch.
This is the anniversary of January 6th coup attempt. The Green Bay Sweep Republican attempt to reject the election failed, but what about next time? Thanks to the election officials, Capitol cops and the present Commission for defending freedom and lifting the veil to flush out the rats and vermin who went along with it.
Under You Are Now Officially Old file: looked at the list of Grammy winners the other day and only heard of one person. One! Out of 30 or so. I knew Lindsay Buckingham but none of the others.
Covid is wild. Two years into it and we still lack available testing.
Stopped sending out Christmas cards this year. Except to a select few who sent me one. I stopped caring somewhere amidst Covid, Trumpers, no particular reason and the cost of stamps.
Dating movies in credits by roman numerals seems to me to be pretty stupid. A country that is ignorant of the metric system surely won't have a clue to a dead language's numerical system.
I've been trying to get though Season 1 of Snowpiercer. I keep thinking I'm gonna stop watching and now has become some kind of weird honor thing that I have to get through. I read Season 2 is better, but I-I-I-dono.